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Program Purpose

The purpose of this quiz is to help me, and hopefully others, to remember Python Linux language. Throughout this trimester, I assume that we will a lot of content, and also forget some of the earlier content. Using active recall to review what you have learned can help you remember the content much easier.

Code Explaination

  1. I defined and set a variable, score, to 0. This will be used to calculate the user’s end score out of 5 since I have 5 questions and each question will be worth 1 point.
  2. I set the screen to “homescreen”, this is where the game starts
  3. When the user clicks the “start quiz” button, the app takes them to the first question screen.
  4. For the first question the correct answer is Print Working Directory. Thus, if the user clicks Print Working Directory, 1 is added to the score variable. The next screen will say “You are correct! +1 points for you!” is shown and the screen takes 2 seconds to change to the next question. The screen then changes to the next question in 2 seconds.
  5. If another answer choice was chosen, then the next screen will say “You are incorrect! No points for you!” and no points will be added to the score
  6. The same process goes for all the other questions
  7. Once the user answers the fifth question, the screen is taken to the results screen. However, because the score for each user is different, I set the “score_result” text to the variable score that has been accumulating the user’s amount of correct answers.


  • I was able to make the game easy to use so that the player won’t have difficulty understanding how to play the game
  • The overall aesthetic of the game is pleasing to look at, nothing that will make the player feel uneasy when playing the game
  • The game is user-friendly, there is a two second rest between questions and the words are easy to read

Problems and their Solutions

I have never used App Lab before, so in the beginning it was pretty frustrating to use since I wasn’t sure how everything worked.

  • I didn’t like how I had to block the same thing over and over again, but then I found out that I could use Copy and Paste when clicking on show text on the top right hand corner or the code section