Big Idea 2 Quiz Correctoins
- Overall Score: 24/25
- What I got Wrong: Question 21
- Questions I struggled with
- Commits
- Individual CPT Plans
- Summary
Overall Score: 24/25
What I got Wrong: Question 21
What I answered: A. Filter by photographer, then filter by year, then sort by subject C. Sort by subject, then sort by year, then filter by photographer
The actual answer: B. Filter by photographer, then filter by year, then sort by year
Filtering by photographer will remove any entries with unknown photographers. Filtering by year will remove any entries with unknown years. Sorting by year will sort the remaining entries in column C from least to greatest, putting the photograph with the lowest year value in the first row of the spreadsheet.
D. Sort by year, then filter by year, then filter by photographer
Sorting by year will sort the spreadsheet on column C from least to greatest. Filtering by year will remove any entries with unknown years. Filtering by photographer will remove any entries with unknown photographers. Since the order of the entries is not affected by the filters, the photograph with the lowest year value will be in the first row of the spreadsheet.
Questions I struggled with
When I was taking the test, I noticed that I’ve always struggled with questions similar to 21 like question 16, 19, 20, 23. I think this is because these questions had more content compared to the other questions. To add on, the questions asked for certain parameters that had to be written in a code format, which took a long time because they gave a lot of parameters and you needed to know which parameter is written where and how.
I feel like though I have been doing work each week, I realize that I don’t commit my changes and contributions as much as I should- which is something I will work on.
Individual CPT Plans
For the CPT, my role is the Backend. I plan to make sure my group’s backend is working and fully functioning.s
As backend So far…
- Created a backend
- Added some code to the website
Overall, I’m very satisfied with my score and I hope I can continue to score as high as this quiz. Even though the score for this quiz is higher than my average test scores,there are still some things I can definetely work on to improve my score.